Russia, Ukraine, journalism and drugs

The revelations from former NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden continue to reveal the loss of privacy in the modern world (listen to him speak at a recent TED event and SXSW session in Texas). The details of NSA overreach and criminality (see here, here and here) force us to advocate even more strongly for the right to truly free speech. Resistance to this global network of surveillance is vital for citizens, journalists and anybody who cares about a world that maintains necessary secrets, opposition to state violence and secure personal communications.

In my news this month:

– I’m excited to announce that my 2013 best-selling book, Profits of Doom, will be published in an updated edition by Melbourne University Press in August.

Guardian article raising issue of making a citizen’s arrest of former Australian Prime Minister John Howard over the Iraq war.

Guardian column on how nations remember war and ignore the victims of our aggression.

Guardian column on biased Western media coverage of Russia over Ukraine and Crimea.

Guardian column on the importance of fighting a progressive culture war.

My first book, My Israel Question, continues to generate interest and media in its Arabic translated edition.

ABC column on BDS and free speech in America.

3AW interview with Neil Mitchell on drug decriminalisation.

Triple R radio interview on the politics of boycotts over arts funding from complicit corporations.

New Matilda essay about the politics around boycotts of Israel, racial discrimination laws and anti-Semitism.

Global petition of prominent Jews backing the academic boycott of Israel.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time.

Antony Loewenstein
Independent Freelance Journalist and Author Sydney, Australia!/antloewenstein

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