Ken Loach’s new film: The Spirit of ’45


About The Spirit of ’45:
The Second World War was a struggle, perhaps the most considerable collective struggle this country [England] has ever experienced. While others made greater sacrifices, the people of Russia for example, the determination to build a better world was as strong here as anywhere. Never again, it was believed, would we allow poverty, unemployment and the rise of fascism to disfigure our lives.We had won the war together, together we could win the peace. If we could plan to wage military campaigns, could we not plan to build houses, create a health service, transport system and to make goods that we needed for reconstruction?

The central idea was common ownership, where production and services were to benefit all. The few should not get rich to the detriment of everyone else. It was a noble idea, popular and acclaimed by the majority. It was the Spirit of 1945. Maybe it is time to remember it today.


Brisbane Activist Centre,
74b Wickham St, Fortitude Valley
Home of Socialist Alliance, Green Left Weekly, Resistance + books, badges, t-shirts, more!
Ph: (07) 3161 2936; Mob: 0439 411 330 (Margaret); 0432 619 844 (Liam)Email:

Green Left Weekly

Socialist Alliance

What: Red Cinema presents ‘The Spirit of 45’
When: 6:30pm, Saturday 10 August
Where: Brisbane Activist Centre 74B Wickham St, Fortitude Valley
Entry: $10/$6 (cheap meal from 6pm)
Contact: 0432 619 844; 0439 411 330
Google Map
NB: This event was postpone from July due to problems with acquiring the DVD.

Also featuring a discussion on Socialist Alliance’s federal election campaign for 2013 arguing for public and community ownership and control of the mining, banking and energy sectors in order to build a socially just and sustainable Australia.

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