Sydney city council and rocks police assaults at occupy sydney

attached is a letter of complaint we wrote to both the sydney lord mayor, ms. clover moore, and to the nsw police minister, mike gallacher, on behalf of the rocks police, arising from a savage assault against an isja member, ms. colleen fuller, during a failed attempt to evict those who were there at the occupy sydney site in sydney’s martin plaza, along with their supporters.

this occurred on 4 july, 2013 and we wrote the following letter on the 14 july, 2013. apart from the three aforementioned recipients of the letter, we also sent a copy to ms. irene doutney, greens councillor. we also sent a read request but ms. doutney was the only person with professional manners enough to reply. ms. fuller was handed her copy.

no reply has yet been made so we take this opportunity to inform both the public and the media of our dillema.

the letter is self-explanatory so there is no need for repetition.

isja and occupy sydney will be holding a rally outside of the sydney town hall in george street at 4pm on monday 29 july, 2013 to voice our protest at the cavalier attitude of the sydney city council, its employees and the councillors seeking justice over the incident.

we especially request that the sydney media follow up on this letter and join us at the rally. we also call on all our comrades, friends and supporters to join us also.

approaches to the police minister will be made after we are answered by the lord mayor.


ray jackson
indigenous social justice association

(m) 0450 651 063
(p) 02 9318 0947
address 1303/200 pitt street waterloo 2017

we live and work on the stolen lands of the gadigal people.

sovereignty treaty social justice
isja letterhead (2).doc

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