Urgent alert – unaccompanied children about to be sent offshore

Message from Manus ” I think tomorrow many single boys are coming to Manus island.

If they arrive tomorrow I’ll tell you about it.

and about air conditioner, we ask from save the children, salvation army and G4S stuffs at least bring some air conditioner for kids at school and they said we are working on that.

it was about 2 weeks ago that they brought 4 air con to put them n the rooms and they did that but after 2days they took it out and said these are for school not for rooms but until now they didn’t put any air con in the school.

it shows that they (HAVE) air con but they don’t want to bring it for us.

I’m sure at least they have 4 air con but they don’t bring it for kids school.

I saw for of that air con with my eyes.they want to torture and suffer us not only adults also the kids.”

We have been dreading when they would send Unaccompanied minors offshore-
well looks like it starts tomorrow. These teenagers are already shell shocked after the journey from Afghanistan / Pakistan / Sri Lanka .

We do not where and how many of these children will be sent.

So far the offshore people have been selected to cover every nationality, age and gender group so that the Government can send it’s heavy handed message that asylum seekers are not welcome. Who is their Legal Guardian?


Clearly Bowen has failed in that no one could claim that sending them to a camp in tropical PNG with risk of dengue fever and malaria is” in their best interests”.

Also the bit about the air conditioners- why hold them back from the children when they have them there ready to go. Pamela I may have a phone again this pm —

Pamela Curr
Campaign Coordinator Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
12 Batman st
West Melbourne 3003
ph 03 9326 6066 / 0417517075
AUSTRALIA. Built by boatpeople


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