Re-inventing fire or capitalism can’t save the planet

For an optimistic view of the coming clean energy revolution, have a look at this presentation but US energy efficiency guru, Dr Amory Lovins from the Rocky Mountain Institute, at think-tank and consultancy service helping to challenge and transform thinking on energy supply and use since the 1970s. They have done some very influential work over time. Click on the YouTube below.

Amory Lovins and RMI (Rocky mountain institute) have recently published “Re-inventing fire”. There is lack of the word ‘politics’ in Lovin’s presentation. He is a technological optimist. Yes, he preaches free market capitalism but carefully regulated as in Germany, including protection of workers’ rights, strong environmental protection etc, hence a social democrat.

Prof Tim Jackson in his ‘Prosperity without Growth’ critiques the reduction in energy use per unit of GDP arguing that it is insufficient to address the large scale environmental problems as Asia aspires to western consumption patterns.

This is a summary presentation.

Trevor Berrill
Sustainable Energy Systems Consultant & Educator
Solaris Solar Powered Home
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