Remember Palestine

This is a call out to union members to write to their union asking for support for Palestine.
Include a copy of the poster and ask if the union will support Justice for Palestine to commemorate Al Nakba.

Some unions are conflicted on the issue of supporting Palestine and it gives political support to those organisers and officials who do wish their union to give active support and to provide union resources.

Justice for Palestine are organising a campaign to commemorate Al Nakba on 18 May 2012. Activities include:

  • Print out signs with the names of Palestinian villages removed or destroyed during al Nakba and subsepquent Israeli occupation
  • Ask people to come to action to carry sign
  • Procession through the city with the signs
  • At end of procession, people write the name of the village on a banner painted with the map of Palestine and sign the banner. Banner will be sent to Palestine.
  • Four week campaign to ask people to sign up to carry sign/village name before the day

Regular JFP meetings are held to organise this and other activities in support of Palestine. Justice for Palestine, Brisbane

References (thanks S.)

List of Palestinian Localities destroyed after the creation of the State of Israel (1948)

The official topographical maps issued by the State of Israel in the 1950s (1:100’000), inherited from the period of the British mandatory government but overprinted in Hebrew, mention almost 300 destroyed Palestinian localities. Each Palestinian locality having been in a state of destruction and abandonment at that time is marked on these maps by the Hebrew overprint ‘harouss’ which means ‘destroyed, demolished’. These maps alone establish thus with absolute certainty the destruction of a great number of Palestinian localities. They present the most important evidence for our list….


2 thoughts on “Remember Palestine

  1. Justice for Palestine meeting says:

    Justice for Palestine meeting is this Wednesday (Wed 8 Aug 2012), 6:30pm at 8 Gillingham St, Woolloongabba

    This film, just released, was produced by the Union of Agricultural Work Committees in Palestine. It looks at the impact of Israeli siege on Palestinian fishers and farmers in Gaza, and the fishers’ and farmers’ steadfastness and resistance on their land and the Gaza sea.

  2. From JFP list says:

    Dear Palestine supporters.

    Following is a link to the speech by Palestinian activist Saeed Amireh at the Marxism 2012 conference in Melbourne over the Easter weekend.

    Saeed spoke movingly about the struggle in his village Ni’lin on the West Bank against the apartheid wall.


    Unfortunately we couldn’t get Saeed to Brisbane, but we can at least now hear him speak!

    For more information on the struggle in Ni’lin, go to:

    Tom Bramble

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