We Are Bent Together

It is about time Bent Banana Books explained itself as we prepare to publish our first eBook titles in January 2012.
The ultimate aim is for Bent Banana Books to promote as eBooks some of the best self-published titles from around the globe.
The baby steps in January set us on the path by ePublishing three quality titles from out home-town district of Pine Rivers. Australia.
Self-published authors now have the opportunity to attain world-wide distribution through Google or Amazon and Apple will be a player shortly.
The problem for self-published authors without a marketing team behind them is how to present their book to the eyes of potential readers when there are a million books between their masterpiece and those eyeballs.
Bent Banana Books thinks self-publishers marketing their books under one brand could be one way to go.
We will find out soon enough if the idea has legs.
If your eyes glaze over when it comes to maths, just try to absorb the following figures. Of you thinks my maths Or the assumptions behind it when it comes to book royalties are dud, let me know.
If a writer under contract with one of the Big Six international publishers receives a 25% royalty, that is a quarter of the PUBLISHER’S  RETURN from book sales.
Let us say the publisher has a generous 70% deal with retailers – Google, Amazon, Borders and so on.
The author’s royality is now 17-5% of the eBook cover price less any taxes or duty payable on the book’s sale. That is still a lot better author’s royalty than on a paperback version of that eBook.
Let’s say a self-published writer is on a less generous deal from the retailer, say 50%. (There are a lot higher deals out there but as the percentages rise so too do the restrictive publication clauses and/ or additional charges.
The self-published author receives 50% of the cover-price less any taxes or duties.
Sounds like heaven compared to the paperback author receiving as little as 5% of the cover price and an average of probably 8%.
But of course you as a self-published author have to sell the book, the hard part, handled by a team of experts in the case of the paperback writer.
That is where we think Bent Banana Books fits in.
The self-published author receives 70% of the 50% of the eBook cover price (35%) and BBB does the selling and product uploading for you. There is a bit more to it than that, but that is the bare bones of it.
How’s that sound? If you are interested in this deal froma any perspective – writer, self-publisher, ethical book buyer – visit www.bentbananabooks.com.au

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