Pictures speak louder than words and empty political promises

As the Australian government talks of sending Hazaras back- the massacres and bloodshed of Hazaras in Afghanistan and Pakistan continues.
These from the most recent attack this week.

Would any decent fair minded Australian send people back to this? Would we?

Please send to the Prime Minister and Minister for Immigration.

mages available her

One thought on “Pictures speak louder than words and empty political promises

  1. M K Bhadrakumar says:

    Terrorists can also bestow favors
    By M K Bhadrakumar

    The twin terrorist strikes on Tuesday on Shi’ite worshipers in the Afghan capital Kabul and the northern city of Mazar-i-Shairf, killing 58 people, are an extraordinary event. Even in the darkest days of violence during the past decade, Afghanistan never descended to sectarian violence.

    The easy thing to do is to blame the Taliban. But Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid quickly condemned the “wild and inhuman attack by our enemies, who are trying to blame us and are trying to divide Afghans by making such attacks on Muslims”. The Taliban blamed the “invading army” for the attacks, referring to the foreign troops in the country.
    – M K Bhadrakumar (Dec 7, ’11)


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