Talisman Sabre

FROM OZ – It’s big, it’s ignorant, it’s dangerous … the U.S. military – “never heard of Bradley Manning”

Below is an email from an OZ friend Rod arrested non-violently resisting the huge ”Operation Talisman Sabre” exercises underway presently in central Queensland (near Rockhampton), Australia. … live fire exercise 20,000 U.S. and 7,000 Australian troops…warships, jetfighters, the works!!!!

Both the crew that has deployed to resist in Rocky and those who undertook nonviolent resistance at the SA Swan Island Base, near Melbourne, last week have embraced solidarity with the imprisoned Bradley Manning and the electronically tagged Julian Assange (originally from Queensland himself. Both Melbourne and Rocky crews involve Catholic Workers, faith based and no faith nonviolent anti-war activists.

For more background on the resistance you can access this link I will keep updating


# MEANWHILE CHECK THE ATTACHED PHOTO OF ROD AFTER ARREST (refusing to be silenced in custody!!!)…and this reflection on engaging U.S.soldiers on Bradley Manning…

hey ciaron..

hope ya well mate.. just a message to say that while you were outside the court in london on tuesday.. wayne reid and i were arrested outside the barracks in Rockhampton.. among others, one placard i was holding said ‘celebrate assange – free brad manning’.. i was a bit spun out to find that a couple of US soldiers i spoke to didn’t even know who brad manning was..

much peace..
rod castle.

Ciaron O’Reilly
Blog http://ciaron.wordpress.com/

“The poor tell us who we are,
The prophets tell us who we could be,
So we hide the poor,
And kill the prophets.”
Phil Berrigan


One thought on “Talisman Sabre

  1. Jim & Anne says:

    Peace activist Bernie Pat Maloney arrested at army protest
    Herald Sun – ‎10 hours ago‎

    They are campaigning against exercise Talisman Sabre, which involves 22000 personnel engaging in land, sea and air warfare practice in Shoalwater Bay, just north of Rockhampton. Maloney, who was protesting against Australia’s support for the war in … http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/breaking-news/peace-activist-bernie-pat-maloney-arrested-at-army-protest/story-e6frf7jx-1226096104452

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