Vigil to mourn for asylum seekers who have died in detention


Vigil to mourn for asylum seekers who have died in detention

Refugee advocacy Network members have organized an emergency vigil today to mourn the passing of a young Hazara man found dead at Scherger Detention Centre last week, and also to protest against the continuing practice of offshore detention, and the absurdity and secrecy surrounding security clearances.

“In the last seven months, 4 asylum seekers have committed suicide and another young Afghan man died after a heart attack while in Curtin Detention Centre. This is a crisis”, said Pamela Curr, spokesperson for the RAN Network.

Curr said that over the past week, we have witnessed escalating violence against asylum seekers in Immigration Detention. Some examples of this are:

  • police have used tear gas and  synthetic bullets  on protesting detainees at Christmas Island;
  • an Afghan refugee in Curtin  was beaten by six Serco guards as he tried to speak to his case manager;
  • a young Afghan man took his life  in Scherger on Thursday night.

Details of the Vigil are:

Monday 21st March

5:30pm, cnr Bourke and Swanson Sts

Melbourne CBD

For media comment: Pamela Curr  0417 517 075

Pamela Curr
Campaign Coordinator
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre
12 Batman st West Melbourne 3003
ph 03 9326 6066 / 0417517075


One thought on “Vigil to mourn for asylum seekers who have died in detention

  1. Gerry Georgatos says:

    I clicked onto the following:

    Vigil to mourn for asylum seekers who have died in detention

    However there is no story or event information attached to it – blank.

    I would be interested in any article or information. Gerry.

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