Review of Publishing Policy at Workers BushTelegraph

This is a request for advice from readers and contributors.

Since adopting a publising policy last November, WBT has attracted a greater number and variety of comments. I am not sure why this is. Nevertheless, to create some sense of how WBT operates may give people making contributions some context of the content on this website.

WBT gets between 200-300 views per day and its audience reflects the subject matter on its pages.

To help contributors and editorial (me) I have refined some of the guidelines I published last year. If there is anyone interested I am looking for a guest editor for the month of June 2011 as I will be away.  I do not wish to scare people off however the job can take up as much time as you like, but I put in about 4 hours a day with a day off every fortnight. The pay is nonexistent.

Your comments concerning the draft policy below are welcome.

Ian Curr,

Publishing Policy

Workers BushTelegraph is primarily for original articles, original news, stories you cant read elsewhere, original verse, original pictures, videos and music.

We will not publish racist or anti-worker sentiments.

We do not seek balance in reporting when it favours the wealthy and powerful, the bigoted or the sectarian readers will have to go to the mass media for that.

If you wish to have something published please write to:

Ian Curr
The Editor,
Workers BushTelegraph

Ph 07 3398 5215
Mob 0407687 016.

It is best to send articles in Word format checked for accuracy and grammar.

Authors will be contacted for approval before publication. Comments (in the box at the end of posts) are published automatically and are the responsibility of the author.
A valid email address is the only requirement to make comment.


  • The Master/servant relationship. The power of boss over worker. More can be found out about this at the LeftPress Website After the Waterfront the workers are quiet
  • The struggle of indigenous people for land rights and social justice in Australia.
  • The role of government. What enterprises should government own and run. Why and how?

WBT may decline to publish material that contradicts its purpose.


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