PFLP condemns Gaddafi regime’s massacres against the Libyan people | Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine


The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine demanded an immediate end to the bombardment and massacres against the heroic Libyan people, condemning the killing of demonstrators committed by the Gaddafi regime.

The PFLP demanded the protection of the Libyan people and thei rights, and emphasized its support for the demands of the people of Libya and the Arab masses for freedom, human and national dignity, democracy, social justice, and the fight against corruption and dictatorship.

PFLP condemns Gaddafi regime’s massacres against the Libyan people | Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

6 thoughts on “PFLP condemns Gaddafi regime’s massacres against the Libyan people | Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

  1. “It is the same scenario they used against Saddam’s regime. It is a great opportunity for corporations to put their hand on Libya’s oil.” — Iraqi Beacon

    I think the difference between Saddam and Qaddafi is that Qaddafi never supported the US.

    Saddam was in league with the US and was armed by them, the US administration opened the door for Saddam to invade Kuwait as a reward for defeating Iran but then closed the door when it realised Saddam’s invasion threatened US interests.

    It is strange that the opposition in Libya is using the old royal flag as their emblem and, in doing so, rejecting the Green flag of National Liberation in favour of the old flag the Libyan Royal family…a backward step.

    Will the Libyan people reject capitalism without Qaddafi?

    Would they (have rejected capitalism) if the dictator had not forbade it with his green revolution, at least in his early years as ruler?


  2. Ray Bergmann says:

    “The mainstream media has historically not proven to be impartial nor professionally independent. The legitimate demonstrations of young Libyans for their right to freedom and democracy, to a decent life and well-being, are not a call for more imperialist war and the imposition of economic embargo.

    Three television stations and the Internet are the sources relied upon for top news from Libya and all the condemnations and denunciations were based on news received from them, namely, Al Jazeera, BBC, and Al Arabiya. I did not find any comment or opinion that was not based on the breaking news coming from them. ”

    I have translated (helped by automatic translation) the article “In defense of a free and independent Libya” by Nizar Rahak (Voice of the Iraqi Left, Germany) in a comment under a video of Gadafi at
    Scroll down to the video of Gadafi and below the red print desvribing the video there is blue print which is Rahak’s article. Click on the comment and you will see my translation.

  3. Ray Bergmann says:

    “Explosions rocked Iraq this morning from the far north to the far south. Hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated in the streets, despite the arrest of tens of thousands of citizens and the closure of all the roads linking cities and provinces, and despite the excessive use of firepower and massive deployment of government forces in the occupation and control of intersections and streets.”

    I have translated (helped by automatic translation) the article by Louay Al Zaher “Iraqis shake the earth under the feet of the occupier and its agents” in a comment under the first video of the attacks on demonstrators in Sulaimaniya at
    February 26, 2011 — iraqibeacon

    Iraqis shake the earth under the feet of the occupier and its agents. by Louay Al-Zaher 25 February 2011

  4. I’m really sorry seeing good people supporting America’s hand in Libya. It is the same scenario they used against Saddam’s regime. It is a great opportunity for corporations to put their hand on Libya’s oil. It is, as it looks, time of jokes and the lost of track!

  5. Ray Bergmann says:

    Libya Slips Into Civil War, as Democratic Uprisings Rock the Middle East

    The opposition is training with troops who defected, as estimates of the number killed by the government run to more than 1,000.
    AlterNet / By Phyllis Bennis February 25, 2011,_libya_is_slipping_into_civil_war_

    The Crumbling of the Qadaffy Regime

    In Libya the opposition movement has actually seized control of cities, and now of whole sectors of the country, even while the embattled Qaddafy regime remains more or less in control of the capitol. The entire eastern parts of Libya, including the key city of Benghazi as well as numerous other cities and the long border with Egypt, all now appear to be in the hands of the opposition, in many cases reportedly with military forces joining the protesters rather than fighting them or fleeing.  

    The takeover of cities by the pro-democracy demonstrators seems now to be moving closer to Tripoli in the western part of the country, with reports from the nearby city of Misurata claiming the protesters, backed by defecting army units, have been in control since Feb. 21. The Financial Times quoted a local worker in Misurata describing how “the people are now organizing themselves into committees. Some are managing traffic, others are cleaning up after the fighting and the fires of previous days. There are also people handing out water and milk to the population.”

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