Will unions support refugees?

In Paid protester irritates teachers federation | The Australian went after the guy near Morrison (holding the ‘Let the Refugee Boats in’ placard).

Morrison is the Liberals’ Immigration spokesperson who is attacking Muslim citizens in Australia.

But when you look at the photos (below) it was the other guy who justifiably told Morrison off.

Why did The Australian go after the guy with the ‘Let the Refugee Boats in’ placard?

It seems he works for a union.

The racists don’t want the unions to get behind the Refugee Action Collective

It might be a game changer for refugees if Gillard had to appease the union movement.

Hillary Clinton (Julia’s mentor?) announced on 17 Feb 2011 that the US is giving $US25M to help bloggers stir up discontent in Iran.

Clinton wants a revolution in Iran desperately – to protect Israel – because
Iran gives money to Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Here is the guy in the hat again, this time probably giving Morrison a lecture on human rights

So if the US is going to ferment a revolution in Teheran surely there are going to be more refugees.

It will be hard to topple Armadinejad because there is big gap between rich and poor in Iran. But the human cost will be great.

The rich middle class in Iran have a lot to lose.

People may wish to contribute to this story on WBT as it unfolds SIEV 221 poor fellow, my country

For what it is worth, Heather Hewitt had Chris Bowen on the rack on the ABC’s 7:30 Report (Thurs Feb 17, 2011) about Christmas Island/immigration/multiculturalism – see http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/

Ian Curr


One thought on “Will unions support refugees?

  1. a pete seger album to the first subscriber to guess the identity of the guy in the hat.

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