War is terror: vigil

Dear friends,

I rang Sandy and we decided instead fo having the vigil at Enoggera we would join the vigil planned for Anzac Square on 3pm Friday 24 Dec 2010.

WHERE: ANZAC SQUARE (Under the tunnel from Central Station)

TIME: 3PM, Friday 24 December 2010

This is a vigil planned by some young folks who heard Dona Mulhearn speak on Sunday about the terrible situation in Fallujah, especially with birth deformities, since the US destruction of the city in 2004.

Donna plans to go to Fallujah next year.

Attached is her statement and appeal.

WE will also be holding our usual placards from the Enoggera vigil. Come along if you can.

Pleas pass onto folks not on waristerror list who may wish to come.

Donna’s Fallujah appeal.pdf


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