Phil Monsour News and Information

Phil Monsour News and Information

Phil Monsour News and Information

Last show for 2010
I am trying a bit of an experiment on November 27 at the Inspire Gallery Bar West End Brisbane at 3pm. We will be repeating the May Concert with all the extra videos and stories from the trip to Palestine and Lebanon, along with the new songs.

A few people who missed the May concert have asked to see the clips from the trip along with some people who helped me get there.
The Inspire Gallery Bar is on Vulture street in West End.
Hope to see you

Other news
The 15 song DVD Live at AHIMSA House is now available on the website shop. Check out the doco and a couple of the clips on youtube

The $30 CD pack of Lies and Silence and the Empires New Clothes is now available for purchase on the website.

Hope to see you. Please forward this to anyone who would be interested.

Thanks Phil

Phil Monsour Recordings
The Empires new clothes
13 song CD
Recorded with the full band

Lies and Silence
12 song CD
Solo acoustic recordings

Full Band Live at Ahimsa House
15 song and Documentary

Smart bombs
7 song CD
Recorded with a full band

APHEDA Projects
Pre School Burj el Barajneh

Health Service Burj el Barajneh

Food security project in Gaza

Rehabilitation Hospital in Gaza

Food security project in Talkarem

Copyright (C) 2009 Phil Monsour All rights reserved.


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