Veterans Speak Out against the Afghan War at Holsworthy Barracks, Sydney

Media Release 21 September 2010

Speak Out against the Afghan War
at Holsworthy Barracks, Sydney

Concerned veterans will conduct a public Speak Out against the Afghanistan War at the gates of Holsworthy Barracks,

from noon Friday 24 September 2010
Moorebank Road, Holsworthy

Holsworthy Barracks is home to the 3rd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment (3RAR), the 2nd Commando Regiment and support units.

The Speak Out will be hosted by Stand Fast, the national association of veterans opposing Australia’s engagement in the US-led wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. It will be supported by the Greens, the Sydney Stop the War Coalition and other local antiwar activists.

“The Speak Out will be an opportunity for citizens voice their concerns over an open mike and service and ex-service people in particular, will speak and hear the truth about the Afghanistan War,” said SpeakOut organiser and Stand Fast member Graeme Dunstan of

“We veterans reckon the best thing we can do for Australian soldiers serving in Afghanistan is to bring them home,” said Hamish Chitts, veteran of Timor and a founding member of Stand Fast.

“Immediate and unconditional withdrawal was the demand of all participating groups”, he said.

“We note that former PM and now newly commissioned Foreign Affairs Minister, Kevin Rudd, has hurried to Washington to assure the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, that Australians will “stay the course” in Afghanistan.

“That’s easy for him to say but deadly for soldiers to do. And from him who never was and never could be a soldier,” Mr Chitts said.

Stand Fast veterans are appalled by Mr Rudd’s arrogance and delusion and know for sure he will not “stay the course” as Foreign Affairs Minister if he continues to ignore the tide of Australian public opinion against the US led war.

“As the Wikileaks make clear, the US military and the US Government have lied consistently about the cause, conduct and progress of the Afghanistan war and successive Australian Governments have repeated those lies to the Australian people like ventriloquist’s dummies,” Mr Chitts said.

“The bitter truth is that for all their killing power, there is no win to be had for the US military and their collaborators in Afghanistan. Just like Vietnam, there never was and never could be.

“Our message to serving soldiers is this: Politicians lie and give not a damn about you. The best way to protect yourself and to protect your mates is to refuse to go to Afghanistan. Desist and resist,” Mr Chitts said.

Stand Fast calls on veterans and non-veterans to help end the lies, end the wars and end the US Alliance.

Media call: 12.30 pm Friday 24 September.

Further information:
Hamish Chitts, Stand Fast ( ) 0401 586 923
Graeme Dunstan, ( ) 0407 951 688

2 thoughts on “Veterans Speak Out against the Afghan War at Holsworthy Barracks, Sydney

  1. baden mcuen says:

    the 9/11 truthseekers
    9/11 when is there going to be a trial with open supeonia powers
    9/11 who lit the biggest schmuck barbeque in history when they find them terrorism will end and we will hav ethe woill of the people back

  2. Good going Stand Fast…keep er lit…..

    Free Bradley Manning
    * Some of the footage Bradley Manning is accused of leaking

    Over the past few days there has been solidaity protests calling for the immediate release of Bradley Manning in 21 cities across North America. Daniel Elsberg of the “Pentagon Papers”, U.S. Army Col. Ann Wright (retired), former CIA analyst Ray McGovern speak out at San Francisc Rally

    *The London Catholic Worker will be holding a solidarity vigil for Bradley and calling for an end to the war on Afghanistan outside the British Army Showroom in Dalston (opposite the Dalston Kingsland railway station) from 4pm-6pm Wednesday Sept. 21 st.

    **You can wirte a message of solidarity to Bradley
    Letters and postcards to:
    Bradley Manning
    c/o Courage to Resist
    484 Lake Park Ave #41
    Oakland CA 94610

    ***Keep updated on the campaign to free Bradley Manning

    Bradley Manning: American Hero
    by Marjorie Cohn, Proffesor of Law

    Army Pfc. Bradley Manning is accused of leaking military secrets to the public. This week, his supporters are holding rallies in 21 cities, seeking Manning’s release from military custody. Manning is in the brig for allegedly disclosing a classified video depicting U.S. troops shooting civilians from an Apache helicopter in Iraq in July 2007. The video, available at , was published by WikiLeaks on April 5, 2010. Manning faces 52 years in prison. No charges have been filed against the soldiers in the video.
    In fact, the actions depicted in “Collateral Murder” contain evidence of three violations of the laws of war set forth in the Geneva Conventions, which amount to war crimes


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