Reminder MAY 29 APHEDA-Fundraiser/DVDLaunch/Dinner

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Phil Monsour News and Information

You are invited to:

Benefit Concert DVD Launch and Dinner
Saturday 29 May 6.30pm
Kurilpa Hall 174 Boundary St West End
$25/20 (children under 12 free)
Bookings essential 0400912550 or phil RSVP 22 May

All proceeds to Union Aid Abroad- APHEDA projects in the West Bank, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip (See photos below)
Featuring the Phil Monsour Band for more info

Phil Monsour recently returned from Palestine and Lebanon will open the night by recounting his experiences with new songs, and images taken during the APHEDA Middle East Study tour.
A live performance DVD filmed at a previous concert will also be launched on the night. The DVD includes a 30 minute documentary on the songs and issues, and includes footage of Brisbane protests and interviews with Brisbane activists – see extracts at

Please support this important event and send the invitation to anyone you think will be interested.

If you wish to help with the organising of the event or help on the night please get in touch. All help is appreciated.

Other news
The 15 song DVD Live at AHIMSA House is now available on the website shop. Check out the doco and a couple of the clips on youtube

Other gigs
August 18th 2010 With David Rovics (USA) CEPU Union Hall.

Please friend my facebook page for regular updates.
The $30 CD pack of Lies and silence and the Empires new clothes is now available on the website.

Hope to see you if you can make it to the fundraiser. Please forward this to anyone who would be interested.

phil monsour may 29th

Thanks Phil

APHEDA Projects
Pre School Burj el Barajneh

Health Service Burj el Barajneh

Food security project in Gaza

Rehabilitation Hospital in Gaza

Food security project in Talkarem

Phil Monsour Recordings

The Empires new clothes
13 song CD
Recorded with the full band

Lies and Silence
12 song CD
Solo acoustic recordings

Live at Ahimsa House
15 song and Documentary

Smart bombs
7 song CD
Recorded with a full band

Our mailing address is:
Phil Monsour

Copyright (C) 2009 Phil Monsour All rights reserved.

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