TUESDAY NIGHT: Nakba Film Screening in Melbourne 7.00pm

In the melee of all the Nakba activities going on in Melbourne AFP/WFP
Nakba exhibition (ongoing), SFP Nakba BBQ (noon tomorrow), PSC Nakba Rally (Friday) there is our Nakba film screening tomorrow night. What makes
this a special event? Well, you get two very worthwhile films and the
must-see Nakba exhibition thrown in as well. If you didnt take advantage
of opening night to really see these wonderful paintings, tomorrow will put
everything into perspective, both films and paintings bringing yesterdays
world and todays into relief. No matter how active we are, it will mean
nothing if people do not understand the ideology behind the catastrophic
events that have reduced the Palestinians to a people and society now
dependent on a largely indifferent world. That is why so many people have
asked us about The Zionist Story which has not been shown before in
Melbourne. And, even if you have seen The Land speaks Arabic suddenly it
will all make sense as a thriving, populated land becomes the focus of
ethnic cleansing in full view of a world that swore never again after the
Holocaust. That it is being perpetrated by the survivors of that Holocaust
on a people innocent of that hideous crime, should shake every person with a
conscience into action to stop this 62 year long nakba.

So dont let the BBQ make you too lazy to come or preparations for the rally
tire you out. We need you to make this a collective effort. Both
filmmakers have asked for their films to be shown as widely as possible and
the paintings by the children in Gaza must be seen if we are to hear their
voices calling for our help.

Sonja Karkar
Australians for Palestine
Women for Palestine

The Land speaks Arabic
The Zionist Story

MELBOURNE: Chapel off Chapel, 12 Lt Chapel Street, Prahran
DATE & TIME: Tuesday 11 May 2010 at 7.00pm
Tickets: Full $15 Concession $10 [plus transaction
Bookings: at the door or on 03 8290 7000 Online: http://chapeloffchapel.org.au

LA TERRE PARLE ARABE – The Land speaks Arabic
Directed by Maryse Garagour

Winner of the 2008 prestigious Memories of the Mediterranean documentary

Rare film footage brings to life the turbulent times of pre-1948 Palestine
as a vibrant, established society faces an existential threat from foreign
Zionists who covet their land and stop at nothing to achieve their colossal
aims to transfer the majority Palestinian population out of Palestine and
to establish an exclusively Jewish state called Israel. Those who tell
their story, bring the historical record to life and remind us of the awful
truth the world has chosen to ignore for 60 years.



The Zionist Story is a documentary that explores the ideology of Zionism and
its impact on Israel and the Palestinians under occupation. The film uses
archive footage of Palestine from the British mandate period up until the
present day.


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