4 thoughts on “May Day 2010

  1. The Paradigm Shift says:

    In Queensland May Day just means another public holiday where some of us (don’t) get paid for a (mandatory) day off… doesn’t it?

    Oh, worker’s power… For this show we decided to revisit the decidedly more radical history of May Day aka the Haymarket Affair with some help from our favourite historian, the late Howard Zinn.

    We also looked at the taking-down of police statues via the direct action of street-car drivers (remember those? we don’t!) and the Weather Underground and heard some words from one executed for fighting for the 8-hour day.

    We also heard an interview with Eliza’s union delegate, Duncan Frewin (NTEU, Griffith Uni), recorded when the workers were feeling decidely more powerful – strike day! (Although you might hear Bob Dylan in the background it definitely wasn’t recorded in the 60s!) … Read and hear more at The Paradigm Shift on May Day.

  2. [justiceforpalestine_brisbane] Labour Day march, Monday May 3 says:

    Hi everyone,

    Next Monday’s Labour Day march is a great opportunity to build support for Palestine and get the word out about the Al Nakba protest and Phil Monsour’s DVD launch. If you can help out on the day there will be flyers available to distribute as well as a banner/placards to carry in the march – collect from Hamish between 9am-9:20am on the corner of Wharf and Turbot Sts (on the corner diagonally opposite Cathedral Square).

    The march starts at 10am and goes to the RNA showgrounds. If you can’t make it for the march but can make it at any other time during the day and would like to get some flyers to distribute, please let me know (kathynew1@hotmail.com).

    in solidarity,

    Palestinian Village Inspires Popular Movement

    Every Friday for five years, Palestinian, Israeli, and international activists protest the annexation of the lands of the Bil’in village by Israel’s segregation wall. Their grassroots effort won them a major victory in Israeli courts in 2007. Now, at the fifth Bil’in conference, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and representatives of all the major political parties endorsed their struggle. Khaleda Jarrar of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine criticized the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority for its recent repression of Palestinian political activists as part of the security collaboration outlined in the Oslo agreements. Fatah’s Nabil Shaath noted that negotiations haven’t led far as this weekend U.S. envoy to the Middle East, George Mitchell, led Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to agree to some concessions though they will most likely be rejected by the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. More at The Real News

  3. Labour Day March says:

    The Labour Day March commences at about 10 am, Monday, May 3rd 2010.

    For those that wish to march behind the “Workers of All Countries Unite” banner, we will be joining the march at the corner of Leichhardt & Wharf Streets, Spring Hill near St Pauls Tavern. I will bring the banner at about 9:30am.

    For details of the Labour Day march route click here

    Ian Curr
    Ph 07 3398 5215
    mob 04 07 687 016

    Why does union membership continue to decline?

    We Built This Country!

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