Picket at Herron, Tennyson

Sigma Herron workers at Tennyson have been picketing 24hrs a day against a shit redundancy deal since last Thursday.

Management and scabs have started aggressively driving in and out through picket, couple of workers have been hit 1 seriously.

They are going to be locked out for the rest of the week so get down to 17 Curzon street, Tennyson and show your solidarity.

They’re right for material things like food and drink but when asked what they need they said people to come down and show support any time  day or night even if only for half an hour.

ABC News – Man run over on Brisbane picket line 

National Union of Workers Herron strikers stand strong, supported by community


One thought on “Picket at Herron, Tennyson

  1. 'Herron' share trading halted says:

    Trading halt adds to Sigma’s headache
    The Age Tuesday Mar 09, 2010 ELI GREENBLAT

    Workers at Sigma’s Herron factory went on strike yesterday after the National Union of Workers claimed the company had offered them a redundancy package considerably lower than those at the company’s other Australian sites.

    The union said closure of the Brisbane plant, which is due later in the year after a decision to relocate work outside Queensland, would not only leave workers without jobs but also without the redundancy benefits that the company’s other Australian workers received. Sigma bought the privately owned Herron in 2003.

    Analysts have been concerned for some time about the weakness shown lately in Herron’s sales…Read more

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