2 thoughts on “FALASTINI-an exhibition of Palestinian artefacts & books

  1. Photos from Flastini Exhibit says:

    Falastini exhibition at Logan West Library – Amira Al-Maani admires the display

    Falastini exhibition at Logan West Library – Emad Sinan with Queensland Palestinian Association president Khalil Hamdan, right

    Falastini exhibition at Logan West Library – bronze plaque depicting the multiculturalism of Jerusalem

    Falastini exhibition at Logan West Library – intricate inlays on a hand made oud

    Falastini exhibition at Logan West Library – a hand made bridal dress

  2. Selective Freedom - letter to Editor CM says:

    To: The Editor
    The Courier Mail

    I was one of the thousands who walked with great pride through the Clem 7 tunnel. I was also filled with a sense of freedom. For freedom of movement complements other freedoms.

    But suddenly, that sense of pride was gone. I asked myself why Australia was offering unstinted support to a nation, Israel, actively engaged in suppressing that freedom we secure for ourselves. A Palestinian cannot travel 500 metres without being stopped at a checkpoint. Occupation, checkpoints, blockade, house arrest, raids, incursions, roadblocks, trenches, kidnapping, settlements and demolitions are part of everyday life for a Palestinian. A life due in part to the immunity provided in the UN to Israel by Australia and her ally, USA, which once declared: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.

    Are Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard undermining the very freedom our Anzacs died defending?

    Yours truly
    David Albuquerque

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