3 thoughts on “Worklife Films: Amongst Equals

  1. Second Worklife Film says:

    The second of Worklife’s Labour Movement Film Festival:

    Thursday 28h May
    6:30pm for 7:00pm
    Paddington Workers Centre, 2 Latrobe Tce, Paddington.

    Drinks available and pizza for sale.

    “The Willmar 8” :

    a story of women bank workers struggle for their rights in the 1970’s
    – became the longest bank workers strike in US history

    Come along, bring your friends, and please circulate to any other networks.

    Ross Gwyther.


    ” Her-His-OurStory Wars”

    1982 Classification: G Runtime: 54 min; Produced In: Australia; Directed By: Alec Morgan and Gerry Bostock; Language: English. $34.95

    In New South Wales, in 1909, the Aborigines Protection Board planned to break up Aboriginal communities by forcibly removing their children and hiring them out as servants to white employers.

    The title of this powerful documentary comes from the wages that were to be paid to the children. Many never even saw that “lousy little sixpence.”

    In the mid-1930s, the Aboriginal people began to organise, and to fight the Aborigines Protection Board. Through old newsreels, archive film, photographs and interviews with Elders, the film weaves a moving account of a hidden history, the early struggle for Aboriginal land rights and self-determination.

    How white Australians between the wars consistently broke up Aboriginal families to manufacture a black servant class.

    Related Files
    * to download the LOUSY LITTLE SIXPENCE Study Guide (PDF 179.0 kb)
    * to download Koori Mail article [Wed 22 Oct 2008] (JPG 1,007.4 kb)
    use this Permalink: http://www.roninfilms.com.au/feature/1832221.html

    Should be available in better libraries.

    Politics **** Entertainment **** (out of 5 stars)


    Watch the beautiful surfing video against the desal plant at Wonthaggi and sign the pledge

    Camp to protest at the site May 9th 2009

    “Last chance to have your say – if you build it, we won’t pay”

    For over two years, anti-desal campaigners have organised rallies, meetings, film showings, debates and briefings, outlining the real costs of this project and putting forward the practical alternatives to an energy guzzling desalination plant on the Bass Coast. Despite the spiralling costs of the pilot plant itself, the scarcity of data, criticism of the project from experts inside and outside the government, as well as doubts about financing the project, Brumby and Holding push ahead. An announcement of the preferred bidder for the project is expected soon.

    Enough is enough. More and more locals and Melbourne residents are waking up to the real cost of desalination, to the environment and our pockets. It will be stopped, if enough of us take action, rally and refuse to pay for a project imposed on us without consultation and against expert advice.

    Rally at the Desal Pilot plant site gate, Lower Powlett Rd Wonthaggi at 10 am on Saturday 9th May
    Speeches/music/surprise guests from the ocean/BBQ

    Organised by Watershed Victoria and Melbourne supporters

    Spread the word !
    Places to stay and camping spots for the weekend are available.

    More information Stephen 0407811778
    Jessica 0407307231



    The two giant French water companies Veolia and Suez (Degremont), who head the technology arms of the two consortia to build a Victorian desalination plant are discussed here in this La Monde article. Their rise to dominance in water and waste infrastructure in many countries is discussed, and the growing backlash from the community is investigated.

    Click here to see the whole article, which is available at; http://mondediplo.com/2005/03/12private

  3. Ross Gwyther says:

    The first of Worklife’s Labour Movement Film Festival:

    Thursday 16th April
    6:30pm for 7:00pm
    Paddington Workers Centre, 2 Latrobe Tce, Paddington.

    “Amongst Equals” :
    a fascinating documentary of the Australian union movement,
    from the 1800’s to the 1980’s

    Come along, bring your friends, and please circulate to any other networks.

    Ross Gwyther.

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