Afghanistan – Taliban Country

Documentary screening……..

Winner of the Walkley Award &
IF Glenfiddich “Independent Spirit Awards” Finalist

Carmela Baranowska’s “Taliban Country” is a rare and damning insight into what U.S. forces are doing in remote Afghanistan. For three weeks, Carmela was embedded with the U.S. Marines in their remote forward operating base.

Suspicious of what was really happening,
Carmela later became the only person in 2004 to return and independently cover this area.  Carmela obtained disturbing testimony from local villagers, some of which echo the abuse documented at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Naval Base. The broadcast of the documentary on SBS television has led to two U.S. military investigations.

4pm Sunday 19th October
Metro Arts Complex 109 Edward Street, City
$ 7 concession, $10 waged,
$20 solidarity
(proceeds to help defence of G20 protestors)
Organised by the Stop The War Collective

Enquiries: Hamish on m) 0401586923 or e)

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