Working Womens’ Centres

Heard about our Working Women’s Centres in South Australia, Queensland and Northern Territory being defunded by the Rudd Labor Government?

Not sure who we are and what we do?

Have a look at this.

Kevin Rudd said in his Australia 2020 address that:

‘We are committed to the protection of the family by advancing family friendly workplaces and better work-life balance.’

Also that:

‘We are committed to a principle of social solidarity that extends beyond private philanthropy to a public responsibility to protect the most vulnerable through a humane safety net for all Australians.’

A safety net on its own is not enough. Women require information, support and advocacy to address issues like sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination, workplace bullying and exploitation and to advance work-life balance. This is what Working Women’s Centres do.

Thank you to everyone who has already leant their support.

Keep the pressure on – email the Prime Minister via his site:

and the Deputy Prime Minister at

and tell them you want to see real commitment to working women not just words.

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