Report from the Big Ride for Palestine (Australia) 2022

The finale of the Big Ride for Palestine (Australia) occurred on Sunday the 28th of August in Brisbane. After having ridden and walked over 8,000 kilometres, 83 riders from around Australia have raised over $20,000 for the Palestinian Women’s Humanitarian Organisation (PWHO) in Bourj el-Barajneh camp in Beirut.

After 6 years, the Big Ride for Palestine in Australia has raised nearly $200,000 for charitable organisations in Gaza, on the West Bank, and in Lebanon. In partnership with Union Aid Abroad (APHEDA) the Big Ride was brought to Australia by a young woman who had participated in the Big Ride in the UK where she rode from Edinborough to London.

It is interesting to read this report by one organiser of the Big Ride in the UK, Owen Cooper. He describes the participation of that young woman and her friend in TBR in Britain:

“They rode in the original Big Ride for Palestine (UK) in 2015 and became significant members of the organising team in 2016. They took the lead for the Bristol ‘delegation’ when we organised 4 rides that all converged in Birmingham. They energised a very young crowd from Bristol at a time when it was generally an older crowd doing the Big Ride.

In the last 2 years we have worked hard to increase the number of younger riders, and quite brilliantly, a number of them were instrumental in the planning and delivery of this year’s Big Ride. The future looks very good with a much younger and more diverse organising group.

It would be great if one day some riders from Australia were in the UK and able to join the UK Big Ride, and likewise UK riders able to join the Australian Big Ride for Palestine.

Our website

Initially, in 2017, the ride in Australia was a two-day event ending up in Byron Bay but after Covid-19 it became a national event where people would nominate the distance they would ride or walk and look for sponsors. Seed money was provided by unions supporting the Big Ride (CFMEU, the Plumbers, ETU Qld & NT, MUA Qld, AMWU). In kind support came from APAN and produce from Palestine Fair Trade to gift to riders in each state.

As outlined by Olfat Mahmoud (PWHO) at the opening event, the dire circumstances of people living in camps in Beirut was evident. See Olfat’s report below. The words used as a slogan for TBR22: “Exist, Resist, and Return” have greater meaning that ever.

We are grateful to all the organisations involved: unions, NGOs, advocacy and local community groups who have participated in this year’s big ride. Falesteen Inc has been particularly strong in its support and it’s president, Omar Ashour, participated and spoke at both the opening and the closing ceremonies in Brisbane.

In his speech during the finale, Omar portrayed the importance of those three words: exist, resist, return and described how organisations such as theirs can support the more overt political work of groups like the Big Ride and Justice for Palestine (Meanjin).

Exist – surely this is the most basic and acceptable form of human right. Yet Palestinians existence is challenged by the apartheid state of Israel. For example, Israeli courts have approved the demolition of the homes of around 1000 Palestinians in Masafer Yatta to make way for a military training ground. Homes have been bulldozed with no notice and many of the families are now living in caves nearby. The report says ‘Special rapporteurs from the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) have sounded the alarm, warning that any forced evictions would be a breach of international humanitarian and human rights laws, which could amount to a war crime.’

Resist – any attempt by the Palestinians at intifada is met by extreme and deadly force by the Israeli military. For example in Gaza at the beginning of the Big Ride, Israeli air force and military bombed that small enclave populated by millions ceaselessly for days and nights, killing many people including children.

Return – the ultimate aim of all Palestinians is to return to their homeland; no matter what solution is arrived at in the international arena, return must be part of that solution.

Hopefully in the years to come The Big Ride will be able to organise local events throughout Australia in the last two weeks of August.

I include below some photographs from the finale shot by one of the TBR22 organisers, Lachlan Hurse. I have added a video that I shot myself of the al-Zayton Dabka Dances who performed at the event. We thank the dancers for their participation.

Finally, I include the report by Olfat Mahmoud about the dire circumstances in the refugee camps in Lebanon.

Please note that we have a number of Big Ride jerseys and t-shirts available which I can mail to you for the cost of postage. Just write me an email request to letting me know your name, address and size.

Ian Curr
30 August 2022

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