Ralph Summy – ‘agent of peace’

Here is Ralph Summy’s obituary published in Courier Mail on 27 December 2018. I know this piece was submitted by a friend or relative, but is still ironic that the local press would take so long to publish something nice about Ralph Summy and his dedication to the cause of peace – WBT Editor.

Here is an excerpt: “PROFESSOR Ralph Summy’s passionate commitment to peace, conflict studies and peace activism ensured his influence was felt beyond his home in Brisbane to the rest of Australia and around the world.
His teaching at the University of Queensland over many years inspired generations of students, but he is probably best known for founding the journal, Social Alternatives, which launched in 1977.

Ralph had played a major role in the development of the New Left and the anti-Vietnam War movements in the 60s and early 70sat UQ,and he took this momentum into Social Alterna­tives with topics as diverse as war and violence, social move­ments, indigenous rights, femin­ism and the environment. “

Ralph’s thesis on the Australian Peace Movement is @

A U S T R A L I A N  P E A C E  M 0 V E M E N T  19 6 0 – 6 7 – A STUDY OF DISSENT

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