Who sabotaged Nord Stream?

I am not convinced by the pseudo-intellectual hocus pocus that says the Russians blew up their own gas pipeline to Europe (Nord Stream).

I think the most likely candidate for the blowing up of the pipeline is the United States because it wishes to sell LNG to Europe. The capitalists in the US are in direct competition with Gazprom (the Russian owned corporation that supplies gas to Europe).

All the Russians want to do is to sell gas and oil to Europe, so why would they blow up the means by which they have been doing this? Why blow it up when Putin already has the power to turn of the gas stream.

It would take a lot of explosives to blow up these pipelines because the steel in the casing is surrounded by concrete – requiring hundreds of kilograms if not tons of TNT.

Nord-Stream.com explains concrete weight coated steel pipes as follows:

“Concrete weight coating ranging from 60 millimetres to 110 millimetres in thickness is applied to the 12 metre long 1,158 millimetre diameter pipes. The steel pipes have an average weight of 11 tonnes, and the concrete weight coating brings the total weight of each pipe up to about 24 tonnes and guarantees the stability of the pipes when laid on the seabed.”

This explosion has created a serious precedent for attacks on other essential infrastructure.

Meanwhile the entire European economy will go down the drain without Russian energy. Why should Europe suffer so that the United States can conduct a proxy war with Russia in order to weaken it?

Tesla magnate, Elon Musk, has been savagely attacked by Zelensky and the ‘liberal’ media in the US (The Washington Post and The New York times) because he proposed the following steps for a negotiates peace in Ukraine:

  • Russia should be allowed to keep the Crimea Peninsula that it seized in 2014 if a referendum organised by the UN says that is the wish of the people.
  • Musk also says Ukraine should adopt a neutral status, dropping a bid to join NATO following Russia’s partial mobilization of reservists.
  • Musk the UN should should conduct repeat votes following Kremlin-orchestrated “referendums”.

Musk noted Crimea was part of Russia until it was given to Ukraine under the Soviet Union in 1950s and said that a drawn-out war will likely not end in a resounding Ukrainian victory. [Maybe Musk wants to sell Teslas to both Ukraine and  Russia. Who knows? But his reasoning of this question is sound.]

I think that UN referendums overseen by the UN could save lives … however there must be an immediate ceasefire to make this happen. Zelensky has to be pulled into line and to accept the ceasefire put forward by China, India and the Vatican.

Anyway here’s Anders Nielsen’s reasoning for why he thinks the Russians did it.

Ian Curr
5 Oct 2022

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