Foco Nuevo in winter

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Shrabani Choudhury  / Jumping Fences
Friday, 7 June
31 Arras Street, Yeronga
Doors open 6.00 p.m.
Music starts 6.30 p.m.$15 admission (Eftpos available)

We are pleased to be able to reschedule distinguished sitar player, Shrabani Choudhury for our upcoming Foco Nuevo backyard concert on June 7th. 
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The Day that never Comes

The news should have stopped us in our tracks. Astonishingly, however, it was scarcely reported here. The latest map of mental wellbeing published by the Global Mind Project reveals that, out of the 71 countries it assessed, the United Kingdom, alongside South Africa, has the highest proportion of people in mental distress – and the second worst overall measure of mental health (we beat only Uzbekistan). … Go to Article

Breaking the Silence

Hello darkness my old friend
I’ve come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence

– Simon and Garfunkel, The Sound of Silence

Educating the educators
There has been only one pro-Palestine encampment in Queensland, and that began seven months into the genocide.… Go to Article