Hiroshima, never again

Hiroshima Day is this coming Saturday, August 6, 2022.

The image above is of a small tribute to Harry and Shirley Hesse who for twenty years organised protest remembrances in Queanbeyan for the hour when the bomb fell.

Harry and Shirley were high school teachers and sponsored a Peace Essay for their senior students.

The seat is in a Peace Park on Ford street, overlooking the city.

Peter Curtis
3 Aug 2022

Meanwhile, across Australia

Rallies throughout Australia, to remember the victims of the horrific atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 will be held on August 6th, 2022, In Brisbane Just Peace QLD and the Anti-AUKUS Coalition will have a rally with several eminent and inspiring speakers, followed by a walk over the Victoria bridge. 

Please join us and share the FB event https://fb.me/e/3sGgh309y

The messages for the day include: 

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Never Again    NO nuclear subs In Brisbane. 

This August 6 and 9 mark the 77th anniversaries of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

All across Australia, communities will gather to commemorate these sombre anniversaries. We have listed some of these events below.
While ICAN Australia has not been active in coordinating events, ICAN representatives speaking at events have been listed in the details below. 

To add an event to this list please contact australia@icanw.org

ACT – Ngambri/Canberra 

Saturday 6 August
Hiroshima Remembrance
11 am, Rotary Peace Bell, Nara Park.

Northern Territory – Mparntwe / Alice Springs 

Saturday 6 August
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Remembrance Vigil: Never Again! (Minute’s silence at 8.45 am)
8am –  9am, Uniting Church Lawns 

Information and contact:
Click here for Google Maps location
Contact: aspatt2016@gmail.com.au

Saturday 6 August
3rd Yami Lester Memorial Address: ‘Half-lives and half-truths: The nuclear industry in Australia’
6pm – 9pm, Witchetty’s (Araluen Arts Centre)
Featuring Dave Sweeney, ICAN Co Founder and Board Member.

Information and contact
0450 474 043

Queensland – Meanjin / Brisbane 

Saturday 6 August
“Remembrance Day. Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Never Again!”
11am, Assembling at Reddacliff Place, 266 George Street Brisbane (outside the Casino)

Information and contact:

South Australia – Tarndanya / Adelaide

Friday 5 August
No More Hiroshimas, No Nuclear submarines, No First Use of nuclear weapons, No Nuclear Industry, Sign Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty
12.30 pm, Beehive Cnr (Rundle Mall & King Williams st)

Information and contacts:
Click here for Facebook Event 
contact: nonuclearsubssa@protonmail.com

Victoria – Narrm / Melbourne 

Saturday 6 August
No More Hiroshimas, No Nuclear Submarines, No AUKUS, Free Julian Assange
Followed by a march to Trades Hall to join the cultural event Singing for Hiroshima Day.
12.30 pm, State Library, Swanston street

Information and contact:
Click here for Facebook event 
contact: noaukusvic@gmail.com

Saturday 6 August
Singing for Peace on Hiroshima Day 2022 
2.15 pm, Victorian Trades Hall, Lygon Street, Carlton
3 Melbourne choirs will lead the audience in songs for peace
Speaker: Dr Margaret Beavis, ICAN Co-Chair.

Western Australia – Boorloo /Perth

Saturday 6 August
Rally for Julian Assange and Hiroshima – Never Again
11 am, Forrest Place, Perth

Information and contact:
Click here for facebook event
contact: stopaukuswa@gmail.com

New South Wales – Warrane /Sydney

Saturday 6 August
Hiroshima and Nagasaki Never Again
2pm, Sydney Town Hall Square

Information and contact:
Click here for Facebook event

New South Wales – Wollongong

Saturday 6 August
Hiroshima Day Commemoration
7.30am, Crown St Mall

Information and Contact:  
Click here for Facebook event
contact:  wollongongagainstwarandnukes@gmail.com

Compiled from ICAN list of events

One thought on “Hiroshima, never again

  1. Worked on this clip all day, given its the 77th anniversary today of the dropping of the A-bomb
    on Hiroshima. And the freeze over in US-China relations this week going from Bad to Worse.

    I see it as the first of a series of clips from my interviews done over the last two weeks with Richard Tanter, Hugh White, Sue Wareham, Brian Toohey, Carolyn Holbrook and others – leading to a full hour long doco made out of the best of the interviews and Archival material I’ve collected from SBS News over the last few months of the growing stoush between China/the US and us caught in the middle.

    Which most, if not all, of my interviewees fear could lead to Australia being dragged into a nuclear conflict by default. Making the inadequacy of our initial response to Covid on our already taxed Health System fade in comparison to how we could possibly handle a limited nuclear attack for instance, that took out Pine Gap. Not inconceivable.

    David Bradbury
    6 August 2022

    77th anniversary of Hiroshima

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