Jonathan Sriranganathan – council complicity in genocide?

It was late in the day, in a cold, inhospitable place, King George Square in Brisbane, where once flourished fountains, grass and flowers, only now to become a hot concrete box, with a big brother screen above and a bar that turns up its music as soon as you start a rally for Palestinian human rights.… Go to Article

Submarines made out of Coffins

There are too many jellyfish in Moreton Bay for a Submarine Base. Submarines would “inevitably” be forced into an emergency reactor shutdown by swarms of jellyfish – Lisa-ann Gershwin, leading marine biologist and Jellyfish expert.… Go to Article

If You Don’t Fight You Lose

Recently there was some discussion about the Right-to-March campaign in Queensland in 1977-79. I have dug up an old video made by the Media Committee of the Civil Liberties Co-ordinating Committee (CLCC) that traces the history of that campaign in its early months.… Go to Article