John Shipton on Tour for Julian Assange

Julian Assange’s father, John Shipton has taken to the road, travelling from Melbourne to Canberra via Sydney in a colorful motorcade on the Home Run 4 Julian Assange tour, which aims to galvanise support for Julian in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney as well as regional centres in Victoria and New South Wales.  

The small convoy of vans and support vehicles began the two-week tour outside the Victoria State Library on Feb 27. They were at Wagga, having already been to Bendigo, Castlemaine, and Albury, when John Shipton spoke with Bay FM’s Dr John Jiggens.

Despite the long drawn-out harassment of his son, John Shipton was pleased by Opposition Leader Albanese’s recent remarks to caucus that Assange had suffered enough, and expressed his belief support for Julian was growing in many place, though with some notable exceptions.

John Jiggens
Bay Fm
Interview with John Shipton