No Modern Slavery at Chemist Warehouse

Hard words rang
across the factory floor
Juan heard the sound of hate
bitter words to injure
a shout that sent the signal
for the war to come

– ‘Brisbane Barrio’ by Jumping Fences

Workers on picket line at Chemists Warehouse in Melbourne

Disparity between rich and poor is growing. Offshore wages are catching up with Australian conditions. Political parties of the centre have supported real wages decline and for profit increase. Leader of the opposition Bill Shorten has called the 2019 Federal elections a wages election. Liberal Prime Minister has rejected wages growth and opposed the ACTU’s national minimum wages case for an increase. Labor refuses to say how much wages should increase in $$$ terms.

Ian talks with Martin De Rooy (National Union of Workers), Corey Cullen (NUW lawyer), Thomas, Jacob and Isaac (workers at Chemist Warehouse in Eagle Farm in Brisbane). Please support the strike by Boycotting Chemist Warehouse and showing solidarity at the picket line on Trade Coast Road at Eagle Farm, Brisbane and at Preston and Somerton in Melbourne.

Ferry Drivers on strike for wages and against privatisation of Brisbane ferries


Stella Donnelly – Old Man Jumping Fences – Brisbane Barrio

One thought on “No Modern Slavery at Chemist Warehouse

  1. Chemist Warehouse has been broken! Union power has won! After 17 days on strike the workers are returning to work with an amazing win for themselves and workers everywhere.

    The major wins include beating the culture of sexual harassment and bullying and all casual and part time workers who were on strike are now offered to become full time workers! Furthermore, they will be receiving backpay and a pay rise of 18.75%!

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