Vale Chris Maver 1958-2015

I have only recently heard of the passing of Chris Maver, who was a well-known performance artist around West End in Brisbane through the turbulent 70s till now. Chris often teamed up with the other Chris (Anderson) making them the two Chris’s. One example of such performance was “The Wicked Wicca-Leaks of West End” in 2012 at Turnstyle, a collectively run social space in Laura Street, Highgate Hill.

Chris Maver was born and bred in working class West End in Brisbane attending a local catholic school. One of his skits was about a dreaded tap dancing and singing nun, Sister Mary. Many of us had such a nun in our lives as catholic school kids. When the coppers made threats against us we could always say: You don’t frighten me, I was taught by a nun!

Chris had such anecdotes that were included in his biographical The Girl in the Lime Green Bikini, one of which was how a friend burnt down the old school of arts building in West End because he couldn’t go to a Saturday dance. Only to be replaced by the still existing Kurilpa (Pensioners League) Hall next to the West End library. This was how the reviewer saw Chris’s cabaret:

… (an) inspired and personal history, of a man, a family, a community and a city. The experiences of single mothers, adulterous wives, religious repression, alcoholic husbands and queer communities are beautifully woven into the lively cabaret …

One day in 2013, Chris and I had a lot of fun on the bus working out a speech for the launch of his DVD “Our Arts, Our Stories”. Previously Chris got up in front of a crowd of Labour voters at the Avid Reader and predicted the savage demise of their premier and government. Sure enough Anna Bligh led her government to the most bruising defeat in Queensland history. I am not sure it all went to script, for the next time I saw Chris on the 199 bus he told me the ALP local councillor, Helen Abrahams, was aghast. With a little extra ‘work-shopping’ of ideas on the bus , Chris also proclaimed the end of the Newman government.

I suppose Chris and others, we were a product of our times – the opposition to the Bjelke-Petersen government. Opposition took many forms. Chris was happy to send up local radicals but he once told a local activist he was a relative of the great Irish guerrilla fighter, Dan Breen, who fired the opening shots in the War of Independence in 1922 (apparently Breen assassinated a policemen).

While Chris may have eschewed radical politics his abiding love was theatre and cabaret. This account promoting his work appeared in the local paper, The Westender:

Chris has worked at the Rialto Theatre, when it was a live theatre in the ‘90s with shows Little Shop of Horrors and Star Buck both independently produced.

Also in the 90s, Chris worked with Street Arts, a Community Arts Theatre based in West End and producing local productions about West End’s colourful history. He has also worked with Pride Festival at Musgrave Park and the Boundary Street Festival and most recently, its reinvention – The Block Street Party. Notably, staging Cabaret events with the West End Community Association Cabarets at Ahimsa House showcasing West End and Brisbane’s finest cabaret artist.

I was a little shocked by Chris’s passing as he always seemed so full of life, discussing politics while, at the same time, flirting with a good looking man in seat opposite on the bus. Chris did not let on that he was suffering from cancer.

It seems that the West End of the 70s and 80s has passed, the public life that it once had, has changed character. Remembering Chris helps knowing the past.

I will miss him.

A celebration of Chris’s life will be held on Monday 26th October
12pm at Centenary Memorial Gardens Sumner Park Brisbane

Ian Curr
October 2015

5 thoughts on “Vale Chris Maver 1958-2015

  1. Laura Boni says:

    Christopher Marc Maver one of the finest in West end , he made you laugh he made you cry , he is so missed by his family . I’m always looking for him. Sitting by his Mothers side I feel that’s where he is . She always asks for him , I tell her he is doing a show or with his best friend Angie in Shrilanka she seems to look straight through me like I know where he is , it’s to sad , everyday I miss him more and more .. I will miss him until the day I die . Dolores

  2. Tracey Retchford says:

    We were 2 little kids growing up in west end,I was 5 mincey was 6,i was your first love and as you used to say My Lsst lol, we were inseperable for 50 years,and our little doll we found 50 yrs ago Mr. Mooney i still have to this day, I was with this beautiful soul and his family when he passed at home, I’m grateful I held his hands, kissed him and told him how much I love him in his final moments, mincey you were made up of many colors of a rainbow, youll forever be my rainbow, dont know what I’ll do without you, I love you french❤❤

  3. Always glad to see him. At the bus stop. In the op shop. Can anyone imagine that simple notoriety happening anywhere else but to Chris Maver in West End ? They were made for each other !!!!

  4. Chris Maver was my neighbour at 228 Gladstone Road Dutton Park.

    Even we didn’t know about his illness until he passed away.

    Chris was a gentleman and you either caught him in a good mood or not.

    He had a wicked sense of humour which was revealed an intelligent, worldly and comedic personality.

    He never promoted his sexuality, but often teased and flirted in a non-threatening way. You were never in doubt which team he played for.

    I would say he was from a traditional working class background and represented social if not socialist values.

    Chris .. I did not see you much as you were always a quiet tenant, apart from the odd parties and screams from your bedroom.

    Sorry to see you gone. With love.

  5. I am deeply saddened by beautiful Chris’s passing. I will raise a glass of champagne in memory of the many we shared over the years. An Honour Sweet Heart x

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