Sounds of Dis-ORIENTation

15th October 2013 Visy Theater Brisbane Powerhouse

Online ticket sales for ‘Sounds of Dis-ORIENTation are now open from the Brisbane Powerhouse Website. Follow the link below and please share.

For live updates.

A little about the performance…

‘Sounds of dis-ORIENTation’ is an amalgamation and expression of cultural and creative elements that have influenced and informed my personal and creative life throughout the years. At the heart of it is my own journey learning more about my Lebanese/Arab heritage as well as the exploring notions of identity, cultural appropriation, orientalism and self exoticism.

The live performance will be an experimental interactive multimedia production, the strongest components being a live and original electro-acoustic soundtrack with projected visuals. The interactive element will be the presence of artists performing from diverse interstate and international locations and projected into the space via skype.

The artists who will be joining me on stage as well as remotely have their own unique experience, engagement and relationship with Arab Near Eastern culture, especially through music.


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