David Rovics iPhone app, a song in the charts and more…

A few things of note, at least to me…

1) Alex Scoots has just released a wonderful iPhone app for kids which includes a music section with 9 of my children’s songs, along with really fun games for kids of all ages, including a really cool iPhone version of pinball… Get it here for 99 cents, if you have an iPhone or know someone who does:


2) “Song for Bradley Manning” is #8 on SoundClick out of over 224,000 songs or so. This isn’t Billboard or anything but it’s something. Go to my page there, listen to the song, and make it #1…?


3) Hundreds of you have downloaded my new 13-song recording, Big Red Sessions. Thousands of you haven’t. What’s stopping you? If it’s money, don’t worry about it! You really are welcome to just pledge 0 on the pledge form, it’s all good, you’ll then be sent the link to download all 13 songs as a zip file, or one song at a time. It’s a darn good recording if I don’t say so myself, I think you’ll like it… Direct link:


4) Tour of England, Scotland and Wales begins Wednesday! Tour of Germany and Scandinavia begins April 2nd! Details:


One thought on “David Rovics iPhone app, a song in the charts and more…

  1. Visa denied Dave Rovics says:

    A week or so ago political singer-songwriter David Rovics was denied a visa into New Zealand to do a tour.

    Now he has been refused a visa into Australia to do a tour.

    David states that what he has done for his two previous tours is get a tourist visa, which is automatic for US citizens, and then convert it to a short-term work visa when he gets here – again, in the past he has had no problems.

    Now David has been refused at that initial step, getting the tourist visa.

    Below is his account of what is happening … see http://songwritersnotebook.blogspot.jp/2013/08/update-on-my-efforts-to-enter-new.html

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