Justice for Palestine Brisbane: Eid-Feast Last Saturday

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to say – OH MY GOD!!!!

I’ve never been to Eid-Feast before; as I always go back to the Middle East to be with my family for Eid, so I didn’t know what it was, or how big it really is.

I honestly don’t think we at J4P had such an innumerous and overwhelming support on a single event as we did on Saturday. I’ve just been told that we had like 600$ in donations and t-shirt sales, and almost 100 people signing up for our mailing list.

We gave away thousands of leaflets advertising mainly the BDS, the flotilla eye-witness forum and Rachel’s play. More importantly, we have spoken with hundreds and hundreds of enthusiasts that I’m 100% they will be joining us in most – if not all, of our upcoming events, and may be our fortnightly meetings too I hope.

We were active enough that we were targeted by what it seemed to be Israeli secret services personnel!!!! Two of them stood right in front of the tent where we were setup, stayed there for over an hour, kept checking all of us, were joined by another couple, kept moving slowly to obstruct the view of the banners so people can’t take notice of us! It was so stupid and such a waste of time for them as they actually had our crowd look more in number so people were actually investigating us even more! I didn’t want to make a big fuzz of it; otherwise I would have got the organizers involved. Besides, it worked for us and not against us really!

Bottom line: We all got stuffed with the yummiest food ever!!! It was UNREAL!!!!

Most of us stayed almost all day and participated so very effectively in every way. Mates, it was a real joy to share such a joyful festive day with all of you – Ann, Mervin, Rebecca, Sarah, Sameer, Leigh, David, Owien, Hamish and forgive me if I forgot anyone.

Thank you David Forde so much for organizing and MC’ing your forum in the afternoon. It did attract such a huge crowd really – including the Zionists that I spent nearly 2 hours arguing with!!!

Above all, Jaime – YOU ARE A LEGEND!!!!! He stood up all day, walked around all over the show ground – till he has actually asked not to by the organizers! He handed out more leaflets than we all did all together; he kept us all so very busy by directing crowds into our stall. Whenever he takes a break, we all do!!!! JUST UNBELIEVABLE! VIVA MEXICO AMIGO!!!

Last but not least, Mrs. Zahran, thank you so very much for (simply) making it all happen and making all of the above just possible. You intiated this and followed it up -as if fasting in ramadan wasn’t enough!

Few pictures attached.

Upside down, inside out, it was such a lovely productive festive day and I only hope if more of us managed to share the joy of it. I truly mean that.

I always enjoy Eid with my family and friends. I don’t think this Eid was any different. A personal thank you for each and every one of you.

Viva Palestina,
Emad Sinan

PS: next Eid (Ad’ha) is in less than 2 months, and I wonder if they make another eidfeast for it, KAT?

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