To all Palestinian solidarity supporters in South-East Queensland

Izzat Abdulhadi the Ambassador of Palestine (and Head of the General Delegation of Palestine to Australia, New Zealand and Pacific) will be attending a multicultural dinner in Brisbane on 14th November 2008 with Senator Chris Evans, Minister of Immigration and Citizenship (and will be leaving Brisbane on Sunday afternoon 16th November).

Ambassador Abdelhadi would like to meet with Queensland Palestinians as well as Palestinian solidarity activists while he is here and so the Queensland Council of Unions’ T&LC building at 16 Peel Street (corner Grey Street) has been booked for Saturday evening 15th November from 7pm to 9pm and all members of the QPSC Yahoo Group, Fair Go for Palestine, Friends of Sabeel Australia, and members of the various Palestine solidarity committeees of the anti-war, Socialist and other groups are cordially invited to join in discussing the current political situation in Palestine with Ambassador Izzat Abdulhadi on 15th November.

It has been a couple of years since I have organised a Brisbane meeting for Izzat and the Credit Union Australia Account of the Queensland Palestinian Solidarity Campaign has remained at $28.42 since the 2005-2006 financial year when the most recent $10 membership was paid on 26th January 2006. Since then the account has grown $0.01cent in interest bringing the current account as at 1st November 2008 to $28.43.

We will need $93.80 to pay the Queensland Council of Unions for the booking on 15th November (which covers the overtime pay for 2 hours of the caretaker’s time and effort in coming to open the facility for us to hold the meeting.

Therefore could as many people as receive this email please update their QPSC membership for 2009-2010 by depositing $10 at any bank or credit union for transfer to QPSC’s account at Credit Union Australia (CUA) BSB 804050 Account Number 30658934, and send an email noting the deposit to so that I can send you a receipt and thus have a record of current paid membership. I will announce at the meeting on 15th November what the updated account balance is.

Thank you for your co-operation and assistance, and I hope to see very many of you at the meeting with Ambassador Izzat Abdulhadi at 7pm on Saturday evening the 15th November 2008.

Ray Bergmann
November 2008

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