LeftPress Printing Society

LeftPress Printing Society
Workers Printing & Publishing

Recently there have been a number of queries about LeftPress resources. We are an unincorporated association registered with the Qld Department of Fair Trading and the Australian Taxation Office. Our income is exempt under the Australian tax legislation. We have a formal structure with aims and rules similar to articles of association. (Interested individuals and groups can apply to LeftPress if they wish to know more about this.) Our accounts are audited on an annual basis.

Facilities and Resources

LeftPress is involved in a number of printing & publishing ventures and provides PA facilities to a wide range of groups who conduct public rallies and meetings in and around Brisbane.

Speaking Equipment: $25 per rally, forum, meeting etc ($35 if accompanied by a LeftPress Member). Upon hiring the PA system we issue an invoice for payment.
Contact: Ian Curr 0407 687 016 to organise pick-up and return of equipment.
Pls Note that this is a voluntary community service so please be mindful to avoid inconvenience by bringing $25 cash or cheque on pick-up or by depositing hire fee at the following account:

LeftPress Printing Society
Commonwealth Bank
BSB:  06 4001
Account number: 0091 9228

 Please note that on occasions, LeftPress equipment has been used in confrontation situations; groups engaging in such activity are better off using loud hailers or alternative set-ups (LeftPress has some). If need be, speak to Ian about how to minimise risk from authorities . Be mindful it takes time and effort to maintain this equipment, it is very expensive to replace. More info @ LeftPress Printing Society

LeftPress is a not-for-profit community organisation and operates on Turrbul and Jagera Lands – lands never ceded.

Sam Watson speaking at a forum at the Lizard in West End Brisbane, 1 Aug 2010 at the commencement of his campaign for election to the Australian Senate. Photo: Ian Curr

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