Councillor calls for corporations to pay for Climate Change

The individuals and corporations who are responsible for climate change are the ones who should pay this rally is not about just replacing Scott Morrison … this is about the need for a system change.” – Jonathan Sri, Councillor for Gabba Ward as 5000 people rally in Brisbane during bushfires, 10 January 2020.

Councillor Sri said that it is coal and gas companies that make huge profits by making bushfires and climate change worse. He demanded that it’s time they paid up.

Councillor Sri said that it is coal and gas companies that make huge profits by making bushfires and climate change worse. He demanded that it’s time they paid up.

The Brisbane Councillor called for government support for a $1 levy per tonne on coal and $1 megajoule on gas. Sri said this would raise a billion dollars to clean up the mess. He called for a system change not just the sacking of a Prime Minister who would be replaced by someone just as bad.

The councillor indicated that State Greens MP Michael Berkman wants to force coal and gas corporations to fund:

👩🏽‍🚒1400 new paid firefighters
👩🏽‍🚒An extra $75M for the volunteer Rural Fire Service
✈️An aerial firefighting fleet, with $200M for air tankers
🙍🏾‍♀️200 new Indigenous Rangers to help manage country, including traditional burning & landscape management

He said that public rallies have placed a lot of pressure on governments. He said it is important to draw strength from community solidarity.

People can ✍🏽sign a petition from Michael Berkman – Greens MP for Maiwar‘s calling on the Queensland Government to support our firies now:

The individuals and corporations who are responsible for climate change are the ones who should pay” – Jonathan Sri, Councillor for Gabba Ward in Brisbane
‘Students for Climate Justice’ in Brisbane
Who takes his (Morrison’s) place when we have a whole government of (climate change) deniers and skeptics?” – Michael Clifford QCU

5 thoughts on “Councillor calls for corporations to pay for Climate Change

  1. There are effective remedies offshore which anyone serious about fighting the unbelievably corrupt regime.

    Unfortunately the wilted greens have painted themselves into a corner by subscribing to the establishment line that the UN is an islamic front or somesuch male bovine dropping.

    It is impractical for some of us to attend rallies on short notice when we live several hours away.and parking near the event is impossible.

    1. Protests part of national and international response for Climate Justice says:

      The next rally is Friday 17 Jan 2020
      at 5 PM – 8 PM
      King George Square

      The event was both a national and a global protest, occurring in all states and on all major continents.

      What are the offshore remedies that you are talking about?

      International Court of Justice in the Hague**?

      For details of the next rally & march see

      ** The International Court of Justice (ICJ),[1] sometimes called the World Court, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN). The ICJ settles disputes between states and gives advisory opinions on international legal issues referred to it by the UN. Through its opinions and rulings, it serves as a source of international law.

  2. BCC refuse to declare climate emergency says:

    Councillor SRI address in Brisbane City Council, July 2019 – This (motion) is urgent because the clock’s been ticking for quite a while now and the water is already lapping at the doors of people in vulnerable communities around our region and around even our nation. I brought this urgency motion because I don’t think we can wait until 6 or 7pm tonight to have that discussion. I’m quite serious about this, because the ramifications of not declaring a climate emergency are quite significant.

    Brisbane City Council is seen as a bit of an opinion leader in this space. It is the largest city council in this country and it’s important that we take a clear stand. For the Mayor and for other Councillors to stand up and describe the declaration of a climate emergency as alarmist is quite frankly disrespectful to the many councils and administrations around Australia and also to the state and federal parliaments in different parts of the world who have already declared a climate emergency.

    Sydney City Council has declared an emergency; Melbourne City Council has declared an emergency; even Noosa has. Dozens of councils around Australia have already done so and I think it is highly disrespectful and concerning that this Administration describes such moves as alarmist. This Council has gone to great pains to talk about how excellent its climate credentials are, but talk is cheap. To be honest, the actions that we’ve heard about so far pale in comparison to what’s necessary to address this urgency issue—

    Councillor interjecting.

    Councillor SRI: Thanks, Mr Chair. Specifically for the urgency of this motion, I just want to emphasise again that there’s a lot of people waiting right now to hear the outcome of this debate. There are a lot of people in the public gallery who don’t want to have to stick around until 6 or 7 or 8pm tonight to hear that debate. There are journalists in the Chamber who are also interested in the outcome of this debate. I think it is entirely appropriate that we bring forward this motion and have the discussion now rather than delaying it.

    It’s quite clear that this is an issue of significant public concern. It’s on the agenda. Even Councillor HAMMOND has already acknowledged how serious this issue is and has recognised that Council wants to do more on the issue, so let’s bring forward the debate. Let’s talk about declaring a climate emergency now so that we don’t have to drag this out all evening.

    The Chair submitted the motion for the suspension of the Standing Rules to the Chamber and it was declared lost on the voices.

    Thereupon, Councillors Jonathan SRI and Nicole JOHNSTON immediately rose and called for a division, which resulted in the motion being declared lost.

    The voting was as follows:

    AYES: 7 – The Leader of the OPPOSITION, Councillor Peter CUMMING, and Councillors Jared CASSIDY, Kara COOK, Steve GRIFFITHS, Charles STRUNK, Jonathan SRI and Nicole JOHNSTON.

    NOES: 19 – The Right Honourable, the LORD MAYOR, Councillor Adrian SCHRINNER, DEPUTY MAYOR, Councillor Krista ADAMS, and Councillors Adam ALLAN, Lisa ATWOOD, Matthew BOURKE, Amanda COOPER, Fiona CUNNINGHAM, Tracy DAVIS, Fiona HAMMOND, Vicki HOWARD, Steven HUANG, James MACKAY, Kim MARX, Peter MATIC, Ryan MURPHY, Angela OWEN, Kate RICHARDS, Steven TOOMEY and Andrew WINES.

  3. Yes Minister says:

    A $1 levy per tonne on coal and $1 megajoule on gas is beyond pathetic, at the very least the levies must start at TEN times the suggested figures and probably be ramped up in due course.

    I expected a lot more from Sri who I previously considered a somewhat more innovative thinker than the ALP and LNP knuckle-dragging neanderthals.

    My criticism is not directed at the disposition of funds but rather the utterly pitiful amount which demonstrates that the Greens have even less of a clue than NoNotion, a party that never even knew there was a plot, let alone losing the plot.

    Seem the Greens obsession with remaining mediocre is destined to remain.

    In any case, nothing whatever will happen if its up to Berkmann, after a feeble bleat or two he will crawl back into his hole and cease whimpering. His promises to take an interest in other serious matters were promptly forgotten and I suggest exactly the same will happen when the present vote-catching opportunity has passed.

    Political discussion on the fire disaster ably demonstrates the abject failure of what passes as our political system.

    Its far more about not rocking the boat than initiating meaningful change, even when there is an urgent need for an ‘all hands on deck’ response.

    1. Democratic Rights says:

      Dear Yes Minister,

      Thanks for your comments. Regarding the levy I refer you to the costings that form part of the petition quoted in the story.

      As i understand it, the levy on gas and coal mentioned by Jonathan Sri is proposed by the Queensland Greens and is additional to royalties already imposed … the link is in the story @

      Regarding your criticism of Sri, did you listen to his speech in the video? He has had to pay $5,000 in fines imposed on him in the last two weeks supporting the fireys.

      Also it is probable that the organisers of the rally will incur penalties merely for conducting a rally and march which is our democratic right.

      Surely it is their democratic right to propose even modest reforms without being hit by penalties.

      People could do well to listen to Michael Clifford’s speech. Michael is a member of the Labor Party and Secretary of the Qld Councils of Unions yet he did not call for an election of a federal government in his speech. Ask yourself why?

      Berkman, Sri, Clifford and the organisers are working in a tough political and corporate environment …

      I recommend people attend such public events and not bark from the sidelines.


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