Nauru & Manus whistleblowers’ speakout

Nauru and manus.jpgPlease remember the public meeting organized by the Refugee Action Collective this Saturday. Those who come will be privileged to hear the personal testimony of those who have witnessed and worked in the offshore processing camps (or should we call them “torture centres”?) Their speaking out requires courage. They know they may be breaking the Border Force Act, and risk punishment, even jail. But they have let us know they are determined to do so. It should be an educational afternoon, to say the least.

It will be at 1pm, Saturday 9th April, at McElligott Theatre, St Laurence’s College, 82 Stephens Rd, South Brisbane.

Please help us spread the word about this important event. Attached is the leaflet for the public meeting. Please either send it on or print it out.

Hoping to see you and members of your network there.
Paul McKinnon
Refugee Action Collective
Ph. 3392 3843

The link to the facebook page is:

Whistle blower public meeting 2.pdf

2 thoughts on “Nauru & Manus whistleblowers’ speakout

  1. Jacob Rice says:

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