Justice for Denzel! Remember Dundalee!

A big part of aboriginal struggle for justice is tied up with colonisation, with the settler state, that is the contradiction faced by indigenous people everywhere. Here is a plea from an aboriginal father for justice for his son.

People at the Executive Building  on 27 Decmber 2015 demanding justice for Denzel bashed in the Wacol detention centre.

A very strong vocal gathering of family and concerned community members today on the steps of the Queensland Premier’s Office Annastacia Palaszczuk to demand an inquiry into the brutal bashing of 11 year old Denzel who today remains on remand at Brisbane’s Youth Dention Centre Wacol.

The family still has no answers as to what happened to Denzel. The protestor’s chanted ‘Free Denzel’ and voiced their demands to stand down and formerly charge the staff at the detention centre who are responsible for the vicious assault on 11 year old Denzel.

A representative of Palaszczuk’s government came out to address the crowd and he said that he would begin immediate action on the demands made by the family and concerned community members.

More action has been organised by concerned community members in the Brisbane area coinciding with Dundalli day.

On the 5th of January we will remember the life that Dundalli lived and honour his fight against the colonisers, a fight that ensured the further existance of Aboriginal people. Dundalli was a freedom fighter who faught in many battles that make up the Frontier Wars, he lead his people with pride and strength and for that we remember him.

Tuesday 5th Jan 2016 Post Office Square 10 am

for more details see https://www.facebook.com/events/1499931270337774/


8 thoughts on “Justice for Denzel! Remember Dundalee!

  1. Invasion Day (2.0) Workshop says:

    “Who owns this land?” “They do!”

    “Who stole this land?” “We did!”

    Have you ever experienced the irony of being on the wrong side of this chant?

    It’s not quite that simple of course, all of us have different backgrounds and stories. Yet it IS that simple: all of us, whatever our background, do, now, live and exist on stolen Aboriginal land. And all of us, each year, are surrounded by the “celebration” of the origin of land theft and genocide that is “Australia day”.

    So… moving forward, what are we going to do about it?

    In this workshop we will discuss questions like:

    What is solidarity? What is NOT solidarity?
    What is solidarity in the context of Invasion/ Survival/ Australia Day? What does opposition to Australia Day look like? What does support of Invasion/ Survival day look like?
    What are the possibilities for action and are we prepared to do them? If not, why not?
    How about solidarity the rest of the year?

    This is a workshop specifically for non-First Nations people* to talk with each other about these questions. But it will also be a place where we go beyond talking, a place where we actually organise and plan together different ways of supporting Invasion/ Survival Day, and different ways of engaging with Australia Day.

    What it will Look Like

    This will be a structured and facilitated workshop. This is so that everyone (who wants to) can contribute. There will be pair, small and whole group discussions, groups will be created by the facilitator, with consent. Ideas about (possible) actions will come from the floor and participation in any “actions” will be voluntary. The facilitator does not presume to be an expert, the role of the facilitator is to help voices be heard, ideas shared, and to encourage organising.

    It is assumed that participants are already opposed to Australia Day, and in support of Invasion/ Survival Day activities.


    Let us know if you need childcare and/or the creation of a child friendly space. We would like to accommodate children and their carers.

    Bring something to eat to share with the group, this will be our lunch.
    $5+ donation to go towards Invasion/ Survival Day activities, and to contribute to the venue.

    No one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

    Saturday, January 16 at 10 AM

    Location to be confirmed


    *First Nations people are welcome to attend and/or input ideas before the workshop as they/ you see fit.

  2. Moris Mickelo speaks out for his son Denzel says:

    “My son is 11 years old. He was incarcerated in Wacol detention centre. Three officers brutally assaulted my child, fractured my child’s jaw, gave him two black eyes, broke his hand and sent him up to Ipswich hospital in handcuffs. How does this make me and his family feel, two days before Christmas to know our child is getting bashed? My son has to have an operation on his face to deal with what the officers have done to him… we need justice for the children of this land, for the Aboriginal people. Enough is enough. How many more kids have to bashed?”

    Moris Mickelo speaks out for justice for his 11 year old Aboriginal son – badly bashed in juvenile detention in Brisbane then bailed to a group home because “child safety” refuse to allow him to return to his family. This speech was at a memorial rally for executed Aboriginal resistance leader Dundalee.

    [soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/240581385" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]

  3. Poison flour says:

    We have no country
    Refugee, aborigine
    This is a country of words
    Cell door, concrete floor

    Pay respect to old people
    Who lost life in struggle
    Original owners of the land
    Turrubul here, Jagera over there
    Mununjali down Beaudesert way
    Quandamooka over on Straddie
    All who managed country for millennia

    We sell our labour
    When we hurt, old or sick
    They lay us off
    Don’t even see it coming
    Is happening all around
    Join the union when we can
    Get dirt money or sick pay
    Pension if we lucky
    Big money days are over
    If we fight they use laws
    To crush our union

    We have no country
    Refugee, aborigine
    This is a country of words
    Cell door, concrete floor

    Land and sea give us hope
    Our dreams, our dreaming
    Each morning the sun it rises
    Ruined land can be fixed
    Broken bodies can be mended
    If we lose our minds
    Take refuge in spirit
    Our mob, union
    This is the life

    Pay tribute to those who died or were
    injured badly in struggle: John Pat, Eddie
    Murray, Daniel Yock, David Gundy, TJ Hickey,
    Mulrunji, Lyji Vaggs, Greg Matheson,
    Phil Perrier, Sheldon Currie, Bradley Coolwell,
    Ruby Hunter, Uncle Country, Julieka Dhu, Sheila
    Oakley, Nathaniel West, Kevin Vieritz,
    Shaun Coolwell, Dundalee

    We have no country
    Cell door, concrete floor
    But we are gonna get it back
    Always was, always will be

    – Ian Curr

  4. Denzel's Mum, Beverly, calls for Justice! says:

    [soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/240175042" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /]

  5. idle_no_more_dingaal_clan says:

    I am appalled at what is happening to a north Queensland tribe and we ask as PUBLIC SUPPORTERS that you do a story on what is available on the internet and to call 0447 178 329 to interview the tribal lawman.


    What is this country of ours coming to when we said sorry and then continue to commit cultural genocide?

    Ken B


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