Ukraine: ‘sleeping tiger, hidden dragon’

Ukraine is on fire

Not One Inch Eastward?’ – Rhetorical question by Secretary of State James A. Baker in a deal made in early February 1990 with Mikhail Gorbachev, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014’s Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator – Blurb accompanying ‘Ukraine on Fire’

Comment. If the video Ukraine on Fire is to be believed, and the US neocons played a hand in the 2014 Maidan uprising in Kyiv, I wonder what that makes Zelensky? A potential puppet of the United States? Zelensky did spend time in Washington sucking up to President Trump and certainly has the ear of the State Department.

Regardless, I think Putin has gone about challenging NATO in the wrong way … what he has done is to drive Finland, Sweden and Ukraine into NATO not away from it. Russian military incursions are yet to obtain a secure water supply for Crimea and the Russians are yet to control the industrial areas of Ukraine i.e. Donbas. Putin has failed to provide protection for Russian speakers in Ukraine from bombing in the east or being treated like second class citizens in the western cities of Lviv and Kyiv. Plus Zelensky is rounding up leftists and banning their organisations.

Drought and famine are no strangers to the region

Once the United States decided to divide the world and promote colour revolutions in Eastern Europe what does Russia stand to lose by attacking the government of Kyiv?

The US (and NATO) has made its move eastward since the fall of the Berlin wall, so people should not be surprised that Russia would have more NATO nations on its flanks and almost certain that Russia would lose the Western part of Ukraine.

US foreign policy has put Russia well and truly into the Chinese camp and made a conflict in the East a reality. Thus the US has destabilised the world and made it a more dangerous place with famine in the Ukraine like the one in Syria that preceded it. Nations to the south such as Egypt will suffer the loss of the wheat harvest in Ukraine. Both Ukraine and Russia have known famine caused by European invasions and western dominance before.

But to stir the sleeping tiger and the hidden dragon, that may prove to be a mistake as radical nationalism is likely to raise its ugly head both in Ukraine and Russia.

Ukraine on Fire

Ian Curr
25 April 2022

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