Truth, Sovereignty and Common Law Conference


Brush Box Picnic Area Mt Cootha
Sunday 17 Jan 2021 at 10 AM – 4:30 PM

A conference discussing histories, sovereign rights, common law and decolonization. Day schedule:-History of lands; local regional and national:

– Native Title distortions
– systemic changes and how to push back with sovereignty
– tribal treaties
– Other legalities
– Common Law
– Workshop; criteria around sovereignty, decolonization framework and resolutions

This event is free, however we encourage donations that will go toward the grassroots sovereignty movement. Pay what you can.

Map of Brush Box Picnic area

Child Care
For those with children we will have someone there from 11am to 4pm to do activities with the kids so that you can participate and really focus on the speakers and content. Just so you are aware, we will be recording the presentations on the day as well.

Covid Safe